Friday, April 07, 2006

Engineering & Technology In A Historic Setting - Richmond, VA

The IEEE Richmond Section serves the Richmond, VA metropolitan area. Richmond, the state capital, is located centrally in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Richmond, while a mid-sized city, offers cultural opportunities typically found only in large metropolitan areas, such as first-class museums, prominent universities, numerous theater companies and art galleries, and its own symphony, professional ballet and opera.

Richmond and Virginia are also not without their historical engineering achievements. For instance, the area was home to the first U.S. canal system and the world’s first commercially successful electric street railway system.

Indeed, it is often its long, distinguished history that characterizes the region. Nearby is America's Historic Triangle of Virginia's Jamestown, Williamsburg, and Yorktown. This tiny place in Virginia gave birth to a great nation. In 2007, Jamestown, Virginia and America's first permanent English Settlement will turn 400. Come to Virginia and join us in commemorating America's 400th Anniversary.

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